
UP – Unsustainable Privileges / Emeka Ogboh: »BEAST OF NO NATION«

Gallery Wedding - Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, Germany
26 Sep 2018 - 29 Sep 2018

UP – Unsustainable Privileges / Emeka Ogboh: »BEAST OF NO NATION«

The Galerie Wedding – space for contemporary art presents the Symposium UP – Unsustainable Privileges with Paul Mecheril, Millay Hyatt, Noa Ha, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Natasa Ilic, Jelena Bäumler, Antonia Alampi, Solvej Helweg Ovesen, Suza Husse, María do Mar Castro Varela, Carrie Hampel, Regina Römhild, Emeka Ogboh, Jonas Tinius. The symposium will be accompanied by a presentation of the new Weddinger beer and advertising project by Emeka Ogboh as part of the exhibition program UP – Unsustainable Privileges by Solvej Helweg Ovesen and Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung.

Which current options for action and theories for the redistribution of privileges exist or are arising in politics, culture and law? The three-day symposium »UP – Unsustainable Privileges« focuses on unsustainable privileges that have been preserved for centuries through mechanisms and structures of capitalism, patriarchy and racism (or whiteness as a norm). How can contemporary art contribute to the creation of new »spaces of possibility« and real relativisation of power? How can we, as privileged, creative artists, cultural meditators and public institutions as well as individuals look critically at white privileges, patriarchic or economic structures and develop appropriate dynamics of self-reflection within our programme?

This question will be approached from a curatorial and academic perspective within three blocks:

»An Invisible Package of Unearned Assets« – On White Privilege
In this panel discussion, we would like to talk about our responsibility to make white privileges visible in order to put them into perspective and override them. In addition, concrete anti-racist approaches of action, regarding issues such as the opening up of cultural institutions and intersectional anti-discrimination shall be addressed in this context.

»Raupe-Nimmer-Satt-ism« – On Economic Privileges
Hegemonies enjoy the privilege of remaining impenetrable in relation to their specific economic structures and dispositions. Since capitalist privileges play a central role in the intersectionality of gender and critical research on whiteness, this panel discusses the options that exist regarding the creation of alternatives for action from an economic perspective.

»Patriarchy Has No Gender« – On Patriarchal Complicities
The panel focuses on gender studies and postcolonial discourses. In particular critical and intersectional research as well as the question, what a queer and feminist debate can look like globally a ad locally within the context of strategies of decolonization, is of importance for this symposium.

»BEAST OF NO NATION« – Über Gastro-Politik und das Afrikanische Bier Laboratorium
Parallel to the symposium, privileges regarding national affiliation will be artistically shifted and transformed: in part by Emeka Ogbohs new beer »BEAST OF NO NATION« curated by Bonaventure Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen. Following »Original Sufferhead« (2015) a second craft beer has been brewed in collaboration with Galerie Wedding at the local brewery »Schneeeule«. »BEAST OF NO NATION« presents the result of a collection of notions of senses and experiences of sound, taste and smell of the district of Berlin Wedding. The slightly sour character of the beer is based on the evaluation of locally commissioned research into the taste of Wedding. Brewed over the course of the Summer, it will be presented for the first time at the UP Symposium on September 26th in combination with an anthropologically-focused talk with Regina Römhild, Emeka Ogboh, Jonas Tinius and Carrie Hampel on gastropolitics, demography in Wedding and »Gustemologie« (an anthropological term for an ideology of taste). Furthermore, the campaign can be followed on the Galerie Wedding Instagram account.

Find more information about the programme and the contecept by Solvej Helweg Ovesen  here.

Symposium Conzept: Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Solvej Helweg Ovesen, Kathrin Pohlmann, Jonas Tinius, Julia Zieger




Galerie Wedding – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst
Müllerstraße 146/147
13353 Berlin


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