Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria
11 Dec 2017 - 14 Dec 2017
Image credit: Tabita Rezaire
The Future of the Past- a three-day Work Lab with Tabita Rezaire brings seven artists to Graz from 11th until 14th December, forming a collective venture to reflect on the means and meanings of the archive and rememberance.
Over the course of four days they will devise a space of togetherness as an experience of sharing paths, ideas, knowledge, dissent and speculations. The intention will be to reframe, to deepen, to complexify, to transform our understandings of the archive, with time being the main focus of this shift in perception. Drawing from indigenous knowledge systems, quantum physics and spiritual mechanics to overcome ‘the master clock time’* and the past-present-future paradigm, the group of the Work Lab sets out to hack that meta archive: a field of energy, containing all information, thoughts, ideas, feelings ever to exist beyond past and future, through our bodies/beings as Tabita Rezaire proposes in one of her messages leading up to the Work Lab. Interested in the processes of Biohacking, the body -physical, emotional and energetic – will be the leading technology through which we intend to travel in time and unearth internal pathways for far-reaching pursuits.
Taking place in the heart of the city, at Forum Stadtpark, the proposal is none other than the experience of a collective consciousness that we all participate in and have access to, yet which first needs to be (re)learned to retrieve from.
While the first three days will take place in an intimate and closed framework, on its last day the Work Lab will open up to the public, inviting people to share and learn from each other. Rather than working with a prefabricated concept of presentation, The Future of the Past follows instead the dynamics of the group; as such, its work-in-progress character leaves space for twists and turns, detours and interventions, buildings, blow-ups and demolition.
* Rasheedah Phillips (Black Quantum Futurism): Dismantling the Master’s Clock[work] Universe
Where: Forum Stadtpark, Graz
Who: Tabita Rezaire, Anna Wachsmuth, Rafael Puetter, Wanda Growe, Ellen Foster, Anne Goldenberg and Melissa Aguilar
When: 11-14th December with the Public Event taking place on 14th December, 4-8pm