Marion Chauvy gallery, Paris, France
12 Oct 2023 - 09 Nov 2023
Écosystème II, Acrylique et technique mixte sur toile, 2023, 210 x 300 cm
Marion Chauvy gallery presents Soly Cissé’s Ecosystèmes, a major new solo exhibition centered around a selection of large-scale canvases paintings based on thème that has long been present in Cisse’s work, that of Nature, going hand in hand with environment and animal condition.
In his desire to apprehend the world on a universal scale, the artist native from Senegal Soly Cissé adopts very large formats to render the rhizomatic proliferation of the plant world and its ability to develop new strategies to exist. Human and animal figures seem to become alive within a vegetal proliferation of a protective and resilient Nature wich draws the he viewer into a immersive experience. Soly Cissé calls for new relationships between man and animal in a renewed vision of society, where all the victims of climate disasters are already the victims of the globalized economy. Anchored in his personal history which gives him a kind of added value, the artist thinks of the environment well beyond his native land, as a community where man and animal would be members – New ecological practices can not be without new solidarities. This game on formats, from the very large to the very small, is illustrated with his collages on the pages of art magazine which he associates with reproductions of iconic works from the history of Western art. An artistic gesture that reverses the status of a printed image intended for mass distribution, in original work. All in the same magazine format, (210 x 297 mm), these collages feature a whole world of playful and disturbing characters prey to the violence of our societies and which seems to play with changes of scale and complex spatial dislocations in the space of the sheet.