Call for proposals

Project Anywhere : Call for proposals and global exhibition program

Deadline: 01 September 2016

Project Anywhere : Call for proposals and global exhibition program

Frauke Materlik, absens, 2013. Continuing fieldwork, Norway, digital print on translucent textile, 200 x 115 cm. © Materlik Crowe 2016.

Project Anywhere is a global exhibition model in which the role of curator is replaced with the type of peer review model typically endorsed by a refereed journal.

Emphasizing artistic projects undertaken outside traditional exhibition circuits, Project Anywhere is dedicated to the evaluation and dissemination of art at the outermost limits of location-specificity. Significantly, Project Anywhere is not an online exhibition space but rather a vehicle for pointing toward art located elsewhere in space and time. With only a handful of projects hosted each year, selection is extremely competitive.

All proposals submitted to Project Anywhere’s global exhibition program are double blind reviewed by four artist academics of international standing. Project Anywhere accepts proposals from artists and researchers working anywhere in the world. Please read our proposal guidelines and evaluation criteria carefully before submitting a proposal.


Global exhibition program

Following an exhaustive international peer evaluation and editorial process, we are delighted to present our current exhibition program:

Absens (Frauke Materlik and Stephen Crowe)

Calling Athlone (Steve Maher)

The Deconsumptionists, Art as Archive  (EIDIA – aka Melissa P. Wolf and Paul Lamarre)

Time Geography (Tricia Flanagan)

Riding Through Walls (Megan Smith)


Proposal guidelines

Your proposal should include the following:

1. Title of proposed project

2. Location(s), date(s) and duration (if known) for proposed project. This information can be updated later.

3. A detailed project proposal clearly stating the project’s potential for creating new knowledge (please refer to our evaluation criteria)

4. Images, audio/visual materials and (non-attributable) links can be included where appropriate

NB: To be eligible for blind peer evaluation, it is imperative that all name and contact details are removed from the proposal document (and all accompanying materials). Contact details should be included in the body of the email only.

Please send proposals (as an attachment) to

For more information please visit


Proposal submission deadline: September 1, 2016


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