
PCAI Residency 2020

Athens, Greece
Deadline: 15 June 2019

Still image from Saskia Olde Wolbers's Pfui — Pish, Pshaw / Prr (2017), commissioned by PCAI

Still image from Saskia Olde Wolbers's Pfui — Pish, Pshaw / Prr (2017), commissioned by PCAI


How can the contemporary way of living become more sustainable or resilient?

In which manner does the topic of hazardous waste and its cruciality concern our everyday life?

Can we expand the environmental agenda through science and art?

Can contemporary art and moving image sensitize their audience over issues of environmental protection?


PCAI is excited to announce the launch of its Artist-in-Residence program focusing on the interaction between contemporary art and environmental consiousness. Believing that art is the best way to stimulate dialogue about sustainable thinking and the crucial matter of toxic waste PCAI invites artists from all over the world to reside for a week in Athens, get inspired and create a video work on the topic.

During the residency the selected artist will be able to perform research, draw inspiration from local waste management sites and facilities, interact with scientists involved in the waste handling process, meet other Athens-based visual artists, curators and environmental experts and exchange ideas and opinions.

The produced video work (max. duration 30′) will be presented in exhibitions in Athens and abroad the forthcoming year.

Application deadline June 15, 2019
Shortlisted selection until November 15, 2019
Final selection announced on January 15, 2020
Residency duration 16-22 March, 2020
Work production 4 months upon completion of the residency

The selected applicant will receive the amount of 5.000 euros covering production costs. In addition to that, travel and accommodation expenses will be covered.

To apply fill in the FORM

Athanasios Polychronopoulos, PCAI Director and Founder
Kika Kyriakakou, PCAI Residency Artistic Director
Krist Gruijthuijsen, KW Institute for Contemporary Art KUNST-WERKE BERLIN Director

More to be announced soon on :


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