Call for applications

La Becque Artist Residency Program 2022

La Becque Artist Residency , La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland
Deadline: 05 April 2021

©ECAL/La Becque/Calypso Mahieu.

©ECAL/La Becque/Calypso Mahieu.

La Becque calls for applications for its Principal Residency Program, seeking residents for 2022.

La Becque’s Principal Residency Program offers three- and six-month residencies to selected applicants. The residencies will be held between January and November, 2022. Details about the full yearly calendar and available residency periods in 2022 are available on La Becque’s website, which provides all information and forms pertaining to the call (application criteria and guidelines, FAQ, and application form).

The Principal Residency Program is oriented towards confirmed artists as well as up-and-coming practitioners with a high development potential. It continues to dedicate particular attention to projects exploring the interplay of nature and technology—two notions which are more than ever intertwined and, even more since the onset of the pandemic, at the core of contemporary preoccupations.

A purposefully broad playfield, this thematic nexus opens up very diverse yet similarly rewarding avenues of exploration—for example: documenting what and who makes up the “Anthropocene”; investigating notions such as exploration, extraction, the politics of nature, interspecies communication, proto-technologies and nature, etc.; using technological tools to document and transcribe natural environments into artistic contexts; exploring new junctures at which technology becomes part of our natural environments, and vice versa.

Principal Residency Program participants will be selected globally by a transdisciplinary jury of experts. The jury selecting 2022 residents is composed of percussionist Alexandre Babel (Berliner Ensemble, Eklekto Geneva Percussion Center), Patrick de Rham (director, Arsenic Lausanne), visual artist Latifa Echakhch, Jean-Paul Felley (curator and director of EDHEA—the Valais School of Art), Sabine Himmelsbach (director, HEK—Haus für elektronische Künste, Basel), Elise Lammer (curator and art critic, Institut Kunst HGK FHNW), and Stefano Stoll (director, Images Vevey), joined by Fondation Françoise Siegfried-Meier board members Anne-Catherine de Perrot and Tamara Jenny-Devrient, and La Becque director Luc Meier, as well as additional jurors to be announced at a later date.



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