Acud Studio, Berlin, Germany
16 Jun 2017
image by Ibrahima Thiam, courtesy of the artist
Two new publications on photography from African perspectives will be launched in June 2017: “Photography and Orality. Dialogues in Bamako, Dakar, and elsewhere“, an online interview project developed over the last few years with 17 photographers from Bamako and Dakar, as well as Contemporary And (C&) in collaboration with Aperture magazine will present a special edition “Platform Africa“ profiling photographers, biennales, art spaces, and educational workshops.
Bärbel Küster and Clara Pacquet from the Photography and Orality project and Aïcha Diallo, associate editor of C& will discuss their publications reflecting the diverse conversations on African photography over the last 20 years. The talk will lead to a broader discussion about the narratives, dialogues, and polyphonic presences of African photography and image-making today.
Cornelia and Holger Lund (fluctuating images) will complement the evening by giving an insight into their latest research on African music video. Playing with Afrofuturism, hyper-digital aesthetics, and allusions to African traditions the videos enter the global stage with a self-confident yet ironic attitude.
Acud Studio // Talk & Publication Launch
Friday, June 16th // 20h // free admission