C& meets Nana Oforiatta Ayim
“It is an exercise in storytelling, in challenging dominant narratives.”
C& in conversation with Marie-Helène Gutberlet
“Becoming more transparent”
In conversation with Guy Wouete and Serge Alain Nitegeka
“The political rulers are still not taking us in the direction of a peaceful world…”
In conversation with Dalila Dalléas Bouzar
“My paintings show that there is no such thing as discontinuity in the history of art.”
Second artist to be featured in C& Art Space
“I learned mainly by exploring and experimenting with different media while guided by my intuition.”
The Angola Pavillion wins the Golden Lion for Best National Participation at Venice
“Chagas photographs reveal the metamorphic nature of objects and spaces in Luanda”
The new school of curatorial practice:
“There is an opportunity for art exhibitions to be both academically rigorous and wildly popular”
SAVVY Contemporary
“We’ve arrived”
Lagos Soundscapes
“Lagos soundscapes have a strong impact on the imagination. They cannot be ignored.”
C& talks to the curatorial team behind the upcoming Dak'Art 2014
“Our goal is to reposition and strengthen the biennale as the most important venue for contemporary visual culture on the continent.”
Je m’appelle Sophie