Barnard Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
21 Oct 2014 - 04 Dec 2014
Alastair Whitton 'The Gate’ (detail) 2013, Edition 1, 420 x 420 mm, Archival Pigment print on UV Museum Glass, courtesy. Bernard Gallery
Barnard Gallery, in conjunction with MOP6: Cape Town Photography, Film & New Media Biennale is pleased to present Glimpse, a solo exhibition of photographs by artist Alastair Whitton.
Drawing on cultural sources including literature, history, art and the Bible, Alastair Whitton is known for conceptually engaging work that is essentially concerned with the ways in which we recognize, recall and navigate the world around us.
The artist’s recent project Glimpse is primarily a series a photographic ‘portraits’ of objects and landscapes from a personal collection gathered and carried over an extended period. These images function as commemorative markers and explore the notion of the photograph as memorial. The evidence of a life; this collection of photographs chronicles aspects of love and loss, memory and geography and is essentially a meditation on transience and the passage of time.
Whitton’s work has been featured in various survey exhibitions at venues including, amongst others the South African National Gallery; Johannesburg Art Gallery; Durban Art Museum; Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon; Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius; FotoMuseum, Antwerp and The Center for Book Arts in New York. His work is represented in various corporate and public collections including the Durban Art Museum; University of South Africa; South African Centre for Photography; Ellerman House; Jack Ginsberg Collection; National Museum of Mali and the Luciano Benetton Collection in Venice, Italy.
Opening reception: Tuesday 21 October at 6pm