FUTURE MEMORIES: New editorial techniques African, Caribbean and African American art publications and magazines

Village de la Biennale / Maison de la culture Douta Seck, Dakar, Senegal
13 May 2014 - 14 May 2014

FUTURE MEMORIES: New editorial techniques African, Caribbean and African American art publications and magazines

For the upcoming Dakar 2014 Biennial, Afrikadaa, the contemporary art magazine, is proposing a day of workshops in partnership with Malick Ndiaye, associate researcher at CRAL, EHESS/CNRS. In line with the Dakar Biennial theme for 2014 « Art Professions », art historians, publishers, publication directors, art critics and artists will be invited to contribute to a day of workshops focusing on new editorial techniques and exploring the emergence of new media and platforms dedicated to contemporary creation within African, Caribbean and African American art publications.

Theme and context
For a number of years now, African, Caribbean and African American publications and magazines have built a critical perspective to grasp the rich and dynamic nature of creative invention within these cultural spheres. They accompany artistic events, cultural institutions, creative development and the emergence of techniques and cultures. By focusing on the ever changing society, these publications offer singular visions and new perspectives whose changing rhythms shake- up normative points of view. By offering a space for the emergence of art and the consolidation of a variety of professions Arts (publishers, art critics, art historians, curators, journalists), these editorial productions, in various formats, deprovincialize cultural spheres. They equilibrate the invisible balance of power in a world of art where the tools for knowledge and validation are strongly concentrated. What is the critical nature of these publications? What is their progressive nature? How do they develop their relationship with a local and international public? How do they put local creativity in a global history? How do they insert themselves in the history of ideas while keeping their own intellectual identity? Just a few of the multiple questions which these publications face and which the “Future Memories” seminar will attempt to answer during the 11th edition of the Dakar Biennial (Dak’Art) 2014. The seminar will study both the reasoning and the types of negotiations relevant to each publication from the point of view of critique and theory and using a historical approach They will be analysed both within their context and situated within their global cultural framework.

‘Future Memories’ will be organized in two parts. First, a day long study seminar will focus on the historical and critical context of the African, Caribbean and African American publications and magazines. These debates and workshops will then be followed by a theory of the narrative in the form of a publication , performance and exhibit.


Magazines and researchers invited

Afrikadaa: A French and Senegalese digital art revue represented by Co- director of publication , Pascale Obolo, and Editor in Chief and Frieda Ekotto, Professor of comparative lite- rature, Afro-American and African studies department at the University of Michigan. (France, Senegal, USA)

Maroc Premium: Magazine directed by Michelle Delmotte, Director of the Casablanca Biennial and Mos- tapha Romli, Artistic Director ( Morocco/North Africa).

Malick Ndiaye: Chercheur associé au CRAL, EHESS / CNRS (Sénégal) Associate researcher at CRAL, EHESS/CNRS(Senegal)

Chimurenga: South African Magazine represented by Paula Akugizibwe, contributing editor (South Africa)

Revue ARC: Directed by Holly Bynoe, Editor in chief of the Revue and curator of the last BIAC (Inter- national Biennial of Contemporary Art in Martinique) (St Vincent and the Grenadines/ Caribbean Islands)

Contemporary And: Plateform directed by Julia Grosse , editor in chief and co-founder (Germany)

Black Renaissance Noire: Directed by Quincy Troupe (New York/USA)

Revue Noire éditions: Directed by Simon Njami (France)

Third Text Africa: Represented by founding director of the Africa South Art Initiative (www.asai.co.za) and one of the editors of Third Text Africa (South Africa)

Les éditions Vives – Voix: Represented by VYdia Tamby

Massamba Mbaye: Journalist and art critic (Senegal)

Seloua Louste Boulbina: Associate Professor of Philosophy and Doctor of Political Science. Research associate at the University of Paris VII (France)

Mohamadou Sy Siré: Editor in chief of «African bussiness Journal» (Senegal)

Nana Oforiatta Ayim: Writer, director and art historian with expertise in contemporary African art (UK- Gha- na)


Download the programme as pdf here: Mémoire du futur



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