Call for applications

Perspektive – Bureau des arts plastiques

Perspektive, Bureau des arts plastiques, Berlin, Germany
Deadline: 01 December 2018

Perspektive – Bureau des arts plastiques

PERSPEKTIVE is a Franco-German fund for contemporary art and architecture initiated by the Bureau of Visual Arts of the French Institute of Germany and the Embassy of France in Germany.

PERSPEKTIVE is based on the desire to intensify artistic cooperation between the two countries. It is constituted on the common basis of financial means of the French Institute, the Ministry of Culture and the Goethe-Institut. PERSPEKTIVE intends to combine financial and human resources by obtaining and developing public and private participation in both countries.

PERSPEKTIVE promotes, from conception to diffusion of contemporary works, the internationalization of the artistic scene by financially supporting professional meetings, seminars and workshops in France and Germany.

At the rate of a call for projects per year, PERSPEKTIVE brings together a Franco-German committee of experts that selects the projects that will be supported in this context.

The 2019 call for projects is open from November 1 to December 1, 2018.

PERSPEKTIVE is aimed at public and private structures, including museums, art and architecture centers, Kunstvereine, galleries, architecture agencies, independent exhibition spaces, based in Germany and France.

PERSPEKTIVE supports meeting initiatives promoting the exchange of ideas and skills: workshops, round tables, conferences, seminars, think tanks and research laboratories, performers and exhibitions. An independent and Franco-German artistic committee of experts will select the winning projects. In February will be announced the projects supported.

Projects must be submitted via the form in French / German or via the form in English.

The guidelines for filing a file can be downloaded here:


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