Goethe-Institut Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria
Deadline: 17 April 2016
Goethe-Institut Nigeria is now receiving applications from artists interested in a road trip to Dak’Art Biennale in Senegal in Emeka Udemba’s mobile museum known as “Molue Mobile Museum of Contemporary Art” – MMMoCA.
The MMMoCA – Molue Mobile Museum of Contemporary Art is a project developed by Nigerian-German Artist Emeka Udemba, in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Nigeria. It aims at making contemporary art more accessible to the public as a mainstream element of the Nigerian social life and to de-eliticize the locations of creative encounters. MMMoCA provides creative spaces that challenge perceptions, interrogates society and sees the world not just through our own eyes, but through the eyes of others. This year, the MMMoCA will travel to the biennale in Dakar, that is Dak’Art where it will participate in the off-program.
After a thorough screening, 5 to 7 artists working in diverse media will be selected to travel in the Molue to Senegal for the Dak’Art Biennale. The trip to Dakar commences on April 24th, 2016 and it is scheduled to return date of May 12th, 2016. Please note that the Molue will visit Goethe-Institut offices along the route to Senegal.
The deadline for submission is April 17th, 2016.
Application Requirements are:
Artists are responsible for their own upkeep throughout the trip.
The ride to and from Dakar is free but participants are expected to cover their individual local transport and accommodation costs. Per Diems will not be provided.
Submit your application to programme@lagos.goethe.org, and indicate “MMMoCA” in the subject line of the e-mail.
The deadline for submitting applications is: Sunday, April 17th, 2016.
Selected participants are required to be present at a roundtable on Friday, April 22nd by 12pm.
For further enquiries, contact: programme@lagos.goethe.org