, Dakar, Senegal
Deadline: 31 July 2017
Dak'Art 2016 international exhibition, Installation view, Palais de Justice © C&
The 13th edition of the Biennale de l’Art Africain Contemporain Dak’Art / Biennial of Contemporary African Art Dak’art will be held May–June 2018 in Dakar, Senegal. Following the establishment of the Orientation Committee, the call for submissions has been launched to select the artists for the IN section of the Biennial.
Artists wishing to participate should send their portfolios not later than 31 July 2017.
The portfolio should include:
1. The completed submission form;
2. A biography of maximum 15 lines long in French or English;
3. A detailed curriculum vitae;
4. Two recent high-resolution identity photos;
5. A scan copy of your passport, that should be valid at least until the end of 2018;
6. Five high-definition reproductions (300dpi for 30 × 50 cm) of works made not earlier than January 2016 (property of the artist) on paper or digital file (photographs, DVD, CD). The credit for the photographer’s name and the date of creation of the work are both obligatory;
7. A text presenting the works and their technical specification details (individual items of the works, title of the works, dimensions, materials, value of the works and insurance, addresses of the place of origin and of delivery of the works at the end of the Biennial in 2018);
8. Copies of review articles and critical texts on the artist’s work, and one or more testimonials by acknowledged experts (optional).
Apply here via http://biennaledakar.org
Candidates can send their portfolios on the line to the Dak’Art website and by email to: candidature2018@biennaledakar.org
or by post to:
Secrétariat Général de la Biennale de Dakar
19 Avenue Hassan II, 1er Etage
BP: 3865 Dakar, Sénégal.
The internal Biennial regulations can be downloaded here:
Four prizes will be awarded in competition: