HAU, Berlin, Germany
25 Nov 2016 - 27 Nov 2016
minor matter by Ligia Lewis Picture: Dorothea Tuch
Ligia Lewis presents her perfomance ‘minor matter’ from 25th to 27th November at Hebbel am Ufer (HAU) in Berlin.
With “minor matter“, choreographer Ligia Lewis articulates a sensitive argument for minoritarian politics. Three performers work towards a regime of time and space that builds on minor aesthetics through a dynamic interplay of the theater’s parts. Between light and shadow, reference and imagination, affect and embodiment, the work opens up a vital celebratory space where engrained symbols are twisted by the intimate poetics of the performative moment. In a time of anti-blackness, minor matter inhabits the black box saturated with the fugitivity of black expression. Whereas sadness and the color blue stood in the foreground of Sorrow Swag (part one/BLUE), in this new work Lewis turns to the color red, materializing thoughts between love and rage.
Fri 25.11.2016, 20:30 / HAU3
Sat 26.11.2016, 20:30 / HAU3
Sun 27.11.2016, 19:00 / HAU3