Van Eyck, Maastricht, Netherlands
Deadline: 01 October 2018
Left: Guido Yannitto. Right: Rasmus Nilausen. Open Studios 2018. © Werner Mantz Lab
The Van Eyck invites artists, designers, architects, landscape architects, curators, critics, writers to apply for a residency at the Jan van Eyck Academie for 6 to 12 months.
The Van Eyck in Maastricht (NL) is an international, multidisciplinary institute for talent development that offers time and space to develop your own projects in an inspiring, multiform working environment.
The multiform character of the Van Eyck appeals to the artistic and intellectual versatility of the participants and enables them to deepen and ramify their talents and skills in the short and long run. The work of the participants is the effect and the result of various interlinked processes. It especially testifies to an art practice that is investigative and committed.
The Van Eyck offers: your own studio; studio visits by (guest)advisors; well-equipped Labs (print, photography/new media, wood, metal, a library, a lab for nature research and a Food Lab); collaborative projects with civic partners and partners from science and the arts; a public programme of events, talks, workshops, symposia and exhibitions.
— A residency at the Jan van Eyck Academie varies between 6–12 months. A residency can start from April to September 2019. The starting date of your residency is determined by the Van Eyck.
— 32 up to 35 spots are available each year.
— Participants are generally between 22–41 years of age.
— Artists who previously have been in resident at another post academic institute (Rijksakademie, De Ateliers) in the Netherlands, cannot apply for a work period at the Van Eyck.
— The enrolment fee at the Van Eyck amounts to €2,750 at an annual basis. For stays that are shorter or longer than 12 months, pro rata amounts apply (so for example 6 months = €1,375). The enrolment fee should be paid before 21 January 2019
— Participants receive a monthly stipend of €900 and a working budget of €2,000 annually.
— Duo’s or collectives can apply with 1 project proposal for 1 residency at the Van Eyck. When selected they will share 1 studio and 1 stipend. In that case the enrolment fee has to be paid only once.
— Participants are expected to settle in Maastricht or direct surroundings (in a radius of 10 km) during their stay at the Van Eyck.
Apply before 1 October 2018 Midnight for a residency starting in 2019.
There is an registration fee of €70.
Find out more about the APPLICATION PROCEDURE