KüçükÇiftlik Park, Istanbul, Turkey
Deadline: 30 November 2019
Mamut Art Project 2019, Photo by Emir Uzun
The 8th edition of Mamut Art Project returns to Istanbul’s KüçükÇiftlik Park between 1-5 April 2020. Applications are now open to artists worldwide and will be accepted until 30 November 2019.
Mamut Art Project introduces emerging hidden talents to the art market by bringing their work into the spotlight and by connecting them directly with the right network of collectors and art professionals. In its 8th year, the project has matured into Istanbul’s much-anticipated annual art event where approximately 50 emerging artists come together each year from across Turkey and beyond.
This year’s jury includes Sabancı University Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Program Coordinator, artist and musician Selçuk Artut; curator, writer, and director of SAHA association Çelenk Bafra; artist Aslı Çavuşoğlu; founder of Gallery ArtSümer Aslı Sümer; collector and founder of OMM – Odunpazarı Modern Museum Erol Tabanca. Each selected artist will be provided with an individual exhibition space inside the venue to show their works for 5 days and at the special opening event to emerging and established collectors, gallery owners, and curators in the 8th edition of Mamut.
Applications are open to any independent contemporary artist with no restrictions of age, medium.
For further information please check out www.mamutartproject.com/applications