RAW Material Company, Dakar, Senegal
05 Dec 2020 - 29 Dec 2020
By Ibrahima Thiam
From 5th to 29th December, RAW Material Company presents an exhibition by Senegalese artist Ibrahima Thiam.
Having grown up in Senegal, the imaginary of Ibrahima Thiam has been in part structured by a number of the legends surrounding the Lebou divinities and their relationships to nature, more particularly in coastal urban areas such as Dakar, Rufisque, Saint Louis and Yoff. Water and its related rituals constitute sacred practices undertaken with the objective of maintaining healthy relationships with the protective spirits of these cities and their communities.
Working principally with photography and living between Dakar and Saint Louis, Ibrahima Thiam is interested in memory, the archive, African orality and imaginary histories.
The relationship that RAW is building with Thiam’s work emerges as a succession of conversations. He has continuously brought us into the presence of the imaginaries that live in him and that nourish him over the course of moments suspended in time, between the two shores of worlds visible and invisible, between earth and water.
Maam Njaré Jaw, one of the divinities called upon by Ibrahima Thiam, reveals itself to us in the framework of this residency.
Beyond the artworks and the exhibition, the residency is a commitment to document and render visible his process of creation that follows different formats.