various venues, Dakar, Senegal
04 May 2018 - 07 May 2018
© Oumy Diaw
The Biennale of Contemporary African Art Dak’Art 2018 presents are rich programm of Meetings and Exchanges from Friday 04 to Monday 07, May 2018 including lectures, conferences and workshops with international speakers from the arts, science and politics.
Friday, May 4, 2018
Amphitheater UCAD 2 Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar
Opening ceremony
Inaugural Conference
10 am to 11:30
Moderator: Mamadou Diouf, Lecturer / Columbia University
Speaker: Simon Gikandi : Art and African Thinking
Discussant: Souleymane Bachir Diagne
Workshop 1:
Mapping of knowledge and art policies
Moderator: Felwine Sarr, Lecturer, LSU
Manthia Diawara: Unleashing identity in contemporary African art
Emily Apter: Regioning Differences: Translation and Critical Practice
Marina Garcés: From knowledge production to the production of ignorance
Mamadou Diouf: To prevent “the boat sinks do.” Senegalese arts after Senghor
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Théodore Monod Museum of African Art
1 Place Soweto, BP 206 Dakar
Preliminary Conference
9 am to 9:45
Moderator: Alioune Badara Sall, Director of the African Future Institute
Speaker: Salah Hassan: Writing African Modernism: The Case of the Khartoum School (1945 – Present)
Discussant: Mamadou Diouf
Workshop 2:
Write the story by exposure
Moderator: Massamba Mbaye, Art Critic
Marianne Hultman : Writing history through exhibitions: Narrative What? Who’s history?
Marisol Rodriguez : (Refusing to) write history through exhibition-making
Bonaventure Ndikung : Canine Wisdom for the Barking Dog / The Dog Done Gone Deaf. Exploring The Sonic Cosmologies of Halim El-Dabh
Alya Sebti: The places we are speaking from
Pause: 11h45-12h
Workshop 3
Creative work as knowledge production
Moderator: Maguèye Kassé, Lecturer, FLSH-UCAD
N’Goné Fall: The Knowledge couriers
Joanna Grabski: Producing Knowledge about Artistic Practice, Artists, and Place in Dakar
Emmanuelle Cherel: ” Deconstructing the time in a bath of fragrant roots”
Mathieu Abonnenc: Towards a pioneering journalism
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Théodore Monod Museum of African Art
1 Place Soweto, BP 206 Dakar
Preliminary Conference
9 am to 9:45
Moderator: Sidy Seck, Art critic
Speaker: Hamady Bocoum: The black Civilizations Museum
Discussant: Raphael Ndiaye
Workshop 4
Public Policy and autonomy of cultures
Moderator: Adja Mbaye Mariétou, Writer
Ntone Edjabe: Performing Pan africanism
Maureen Murphy: Postcolonial situation in filmmaking
Elizabeth Harney: Returns ethnographic exhibition recalls and the contemporary time
Lionel Manga: The archipelago of acquaintances
Clementine Deliss: Manifesto on the access rights to the colonial collections sequestered in Europe
Pause: 11h45-12
Workshop 5
Intellectual property and status of the artist
12-1:30 p.m.
Moderator: Nogaye Ndour, Teacher-Researcher / FSJP-UCAD
Aziz Dieng : Status of the Artist and realities in regional
Aminata Faye Lo : Involvement of the WAEMU Commission in the development of a legal and regulatory environment for literary and artistic property in the Member States of WAEMU
Cornelius Badji : Intellectual property and status of the artist in Senegal: Looking for a lawyer
Monday, May 7, 2018
Théodore Monod Museum of African Art
1 Place Soweto, BP 206 Dakar
Preliminary Conference
9 am to 9:45
Moderator: Ousseynou Wade, Former Secretary General of the Dakar Biennial
Speaker: Adama Sanneh : Creating Value
Discussant: Simon Njami
Workshop 6
Money, lobbying and strategy for the art market in Africa
Moderator: Kalidou Kassé, Visual Artist
Pierre Taugourdeau : Plea for an innovative regulating an emerging art market
Jean Philippe Aka : The explosive growth of the market for contemporary African art is it irreversible? How to take advantage of this new situation?
Sitor Senghor : No market without money?
Pause: 11h- 11:15
Workshop 7
FORWARD / New media promotion of contemporary African art
Moderator: Abdoulaye Koundoul, Director arts. Ministry of Culture
Alisa LaGamma: The historical challenge of creativity in Africa
Viyé Diba: The breach
Karen Milbourne: Imagining Future Partnerships: Global Platforms for Contemporary African Art and Artists